Monday, August 30, 2010

Christmas Presents!

It's that time of the year! (The one where anyone making their presents has to start planning, and making the gifts they want to give.) I'm starting to get together all the patterns, and ideas I can, however I forgot how hard manly gifts are to make. I'm not so sure what to make for my boyfriend, or little brother. (I did get a killer idea for my father from my mom though, I'm excited to see how it turns out.) I've started to make some waterlily books, in green and pink right now, and I'll be making a blue one as well, but I don't know who I would be giving them to. I've also found quite a few nerdy knitting sites, which are really cool, but I can't exactly hope to crochet all the Mario characters and hope to have time to make everything I need to have made. I'll start posting pictures once I get things made, with a few exceptions. (I don't want anyone to read this and know what they'll be getting!)

If you have any ideas for "manly" gifts, let me know. I'm kinda stuck at the moment.

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