Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm an ecclectic crafter...

I recently started beading again, but first! My resin treats, there are more!
You may have seen this one before I made it into a pendant, but I really like the way the light blue looks with the silver sparkles! I also had a lot of fun with the new glitter colors I mentioned in my last post.
 As you can see I also started playing with magazine cutouts... There are Earthbound bottle caps, Sonic the Hedgehog and Megaman as well as a Halo 3 bottle cap visible, I also made some Fallout bottle caps, and a Batman one. I'm going to make some into magnets, and others into keychains and necklace pendants. My friend Sarah asked if I'd make her name with hearts in bottle caps for a necklace, which are what the blank purple caps are for. It's going to look killer, but I need to make one more purple cap, then seal them. :) I'd post pictures, but I want Sarah to see it first since she's the one buying it.
Thank you to my friend Stephanie I learned how to make resin black without needing to buy the dyes. These are for a present for Sarah's boyfriend, Ryan. He wanted me to make him a rune necklace, so in green I painted (on the squares) Raidho, and Thurisaz, and (ovals) Dagaz, and Perth. (Perth was because I'm partial to the meaning, but he requested the other 3) Pictures of those will follow in the next few days. The ice cube tray is full of my playing card set too :D I floated wire hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs in the resin and gave it a white ground.
This is a rough test as to how I would connect multiple bottle caps, I don't like it for that, however it would make a cute bracelet if it were for a single bottle cap. It's kind of watch-like.
These copper earrings match a necklace I made with a captive marble - I made other earrings that are the same style with different types of beads, and colors. But now for the captive marble necklaces!!!
I think that I need to make more, but so far I've got the silver with clear and grey beads, green with green beats, green and blue with green and clear beads, green and black with green and black beads, purple with purple and hematite beads, red and black with red and black beads, and the copper with copper and clear as I mentioned before. If you think I should make another color let me know what color you want because I'm making a pink and silver one, but after that I'm stuck. I'm going to try to sell these, but if they don't sell I'll wear them myself because I like them. And now for something completely different!
My little chicken plush I made :D He's about the size of my palm, and all hand sewn. I made the pattern myself based on a plush I saw online, unfortunately I don't remember the blog name, so I can't link it.
I also decided to start beading again, so I've been keeping myself plenty busy. This was a trial, and it's not long enough to do anything with (I didn't string enough beads for it to be a bracelet unfortunately, but it was fun, so I don't mind.)Well, I think I've added enough pictures, although I have more crafts, but I'll save those for next time :D

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